
The Wissahickon Valley Public Library Volunteer Program assists the library in carrying out its mission to meet the information needs of our diverse and dynamic population. The Library recruits volunteers to assist staff with daily library needs as well as special projects. Stop by the library and fill out a Volunteer Application or download the form and bring it to either branch..

TEENS, ages 14-17, If you would like to volunteer at the Blue Bell Library, please click here to complete this form.  You will be contacted on an as-needed basis.  If you would like to volunteer at the Ambler library, please stop by to talk with our Youth Services Librarian.  If you prefer email, contact Youth staff.  Please put “Teen Volunteer” in the subject line of the email, and choose the appropriate branch from the menu category. If you are interested in the teen advisory group at Ambler, please note this in the message.

WVPL also welcomes high school students who are interested in creating graduation projects around technology and programming. Teens interested in volunteering during the summer should turn in their applications by June 1 of each year.

ADULTS, stop by to speak with Dora Pasquali at the Main library in Blue Bell or email our Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteer@wvpl.org. If you are interested in volunteering at the branch library in Ambler, please speak with Anne Hall or email AmblerLibrary@wvpl.org

Library volunteer opportunities may include:

  • Adopt-A-Shelf Volunteers (checking the order of our collection)
  • Mending Assistants (mending books and other materials)
  • Shelving Assistants (shelving books and pulling holds)
  • Technical Services Assistants (processing new books)
  • Technology Volunteers (to teach computer classes: Basic Level, Internet, Microsoft Word, WVPL On-line Resources, iTunes, Facebook & Twitter)
  • Electronic Device Volunteers (volunteers to come once a month for 2-4 hours to help others learn to use their eReaders, smart phones, & tablet computers)
  • Gardening Volunteers (weeding/pruning/planting patio garden areas)

Wissahickon Valley Public Library Volunteer Policy
The Wissahickon Valley Public Library Volunteer Program assists the library in carrying out its mission to meet the information needs of our diverse and dynamic population. The library volunteers assist paid staff with daily library needs as well as special projects without remuneration.

  • Volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application Form which will be kept on file.
  • Teen volunteers must be between the ages of 14 and 17 and need parent permission to participate (signature on the volunteer application form).
  • Volunteers 18 and over are also required to have Criminal and Child Abuse background checks (PA State Police Criminal Record Check and PA Child Abuse History Certification).

Candidates will be accepted after a successful interview with the Volunteer Coordinator, other Administrative Staff member (i.e. Technology Coordinator, Youth Services Director) and all clearances are approved. Candidates’ qualifications must also meet the needs of the library’s projects and work responsibilities. The library may not accept every volunteer application.
All volunteers are to receive training in their duties and responsibilities and are then to be supervised in their work by a staff member. Volunteers are expected to perform their assigned duties to the best of their abilities. Volunteer work may be subject to review and evaluation, correction and possibly termination if it is in the best interests of the library. The library maintains the right to deny a volunteer position to anyone it feels is unsuitable for any reason.

Volunteers work under the direction of the Volunteer Coordinator in conjunction with the Director or other Administrative Staff. Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves as if employed by the Library and must adhere to the policies and practices established regarding conduct, performance, safety procedures, proper attire, etc.

Hours of service are recorded in the Volunteer Log.

The library recognizes its volunteers for their service at special events.

Library volunteers are covered under the library's blanket accident insurance policy.

The Director and the Volunteer Coordinator are authorized to create and amend procedures to support this policy.