Remember The Alamo! - The Real Story

Event location
Blue Bell

The Alamo and its defenders have a place in American history of mythic proportions. Stories of Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and William Travis have been a staple of American Legend recounted in books, Hollywood movies, TV shows and Disney programs, and the memory and image of the Alamo has raised patriotic fervor in children and adults alike. But what role did the Alamo rally play in the story of Mexico and America in the 19th century, and what were the issues driving the Texas War of Independence? Slavery, immigration, Manifest Destiny and the struggle between the sovereign nations of Mexico and the young United States were in the core matters of contention in which the Alamo played a pivotal but relatively small role. This program takes a look at the story of Texas Independence, the importance of slavery in the 19th century South, and the role of American myth in our culture.

Presented by Steve Pollack

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